[11] |
Alexandre Pitti , Claudio Weidmann , and Mathias Quoy,
Digital computing through randomness and order in neural networks,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119 (33), pp.e2115335119, 2022.
[10] |
Alexandre Pitti, Mathias Quoy, Catherine Lavandier, Sofiane Boucenna, Wassim Swaileh, and Claudio Weidmann,
In Search of a Neural Model for Serial Order: A Brain Theory for Memory Development and Higher Level Cognition,
IEEE Trans. on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 279-291, June
[9] |
Hirah Malik, Cedric Adjih, Claudio Weidmann, and Michel Kieffer.
MICN: a Network Coding Protocol for ICN with Multiple Distinct Interests per Generation,
Computer Networks, 187, 107816, 2021.
[8] |
Anne Savard and Claudio Weidmann,
On the Gaussian multiway relay channel with intra-cluster links,
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Dec. 2016.
to published version
[7] |
Claudio Weidmann and Gottfried Lechner,
A Fresh Look at Coding for q-ary Symmetric Channels,
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 58(11), pp. 6959-6967, Nov. 2012.
Preprint [PDF],
submitted version [arXiv]
[6] |
Amadou Diallo, Claudio Weidmann and Michel Kieffer,
New Free Distance Bounds and Design Techniques for Joint Source-Channel
Variable-Length Codes,
IEEE Trans. on Communications, 60(10), pp. 3080-3090, Oct. 2012.
Preprint [PDF]
[5] |
Claudio Weidmann and Martin Vetterli, Rate Distortion
Behavior of Sparse Sources,
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 58(8), pp. 4969-4992, Aug. 2012. Preprint
[4] |
Amadou Diallo, Claudio Weidmann and Michel Kieffer,
Efficient computation and optimization of the free distance of
variable-length finite-state joint source-channel codes,
IEEE Trans. on Communications, 59(4), pp. 1043-1052, Apr. 2011.
Preprint [PDF]
[3] |
Claudio Weidmann and Michel Kieffer,
Evaluation of the distance spectrum of variable-length finite-state
IEEE Trans. on Communications, 58(3), pp. 724-728, Mar. 2010. Preprint
IEEEXplore [PDF]
[2] |
Salma Ben-Jamaa, Claudio Weidmann and Michel Kieffer,
Analytical Tools for Optimizing the Error Correction Performance of
Arithmetic Codes, IEEE Trans. on Communications, 56(9), pp. 1458-1468,
Sep. 2008. IEEEXplore [PDF]
[1] |
Jay Cheng, Tien-Ke Huang and Claudio Weidmann,
New Bounds on the Expected Length of
Optimal One-to-One Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 53(5),
pp. 1884-1895, May 2007. IEEEXplore [PDF]
[32] |
Hirah Malik, Cédric Adjih, Michel Kieffer, and Claudio Weidmann,
On the Problem of Finding "Sets Ensuring Linearly Independent Transversals" (SELIT), and its Application to Network Coding,
PEMWN 2020 - 9th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks, Berlin / Virtual, Germany, Dec. 2020.
[31] |
Ayat Zaki Hindi, Michel Kieffer, Cedric Adjih, and Claudio Weidmann,
NDN Synchronization: iRoundSync, an Improved RoundSync,
Proc. 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2017),
Berlin, Sep. 26-28, 2017. Poster abstract [PDF]
[30] |
Anne Savard, and Claudio Weidmann,
Lattice coding for the Gaussian one- and two-way relay channels with
correlated noises,
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2015),
Hong Kong, June 14-19, 2015. Abstract+preprint on [HAL]
[29] |
Anne Savard, and Claudio Weidmann,
On the multiway relay channel with direct links,
Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Hobart,
Tasmania, Australia, 2-5 November 2014. Abstract+preprint on [HAL]
[28] |
Anne Savard, and Claudio Weidmann,
Optimized Codes for the Binary Coded Side-Information Problem,
Proc. 8th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information
Processing, Bremen, Germany, August 18-22, 2014. Preprint [PDF]
[27] |
Anne Savard, and Claudio Weidmann,
Improved decoding for binary source coding with coded side information,
2013 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Seville, Spain, September
9-13, 2013. Preprint [PDF]
[26] |
Ingmar Land, Claudio Weidmann, and Badri N. Vellambi,
Characterizing the rate region of the coded side-information problem,
2012 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Lausanne, Switzerland, September
3-7, 2012. Preprint [PDF]
[25] |
Hassan Hijazi, Amadou Diallo, Michel Kieffer, Leo Liberti and Claudio Weidmann,
A MILP approach for designing robust variable-length codes based
on exact free distance computation,
Proc. Data Compression Conference (DCC), Snowbird, Utah, USA, April 10-12, 2012.
Preprint [PDF]
[24] |
Claudio Weidmann,
Characterizing compressibility with Lorenz curves, IEEE International
Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2011), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July,
31 - August, 5,
2011. Abstract+preprint on [HAL]
[23] |
Amadou Diallo, Claudio Weidmann and Michel Kieffer,
Optimizing the Free Distance of Error-Correcting Variable-Length Codes,
Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), St. Malo,
France, Oct. 4-6, 2010. [PDF]
[22] |
Francesca Bassi, Michel Kieffer and Claudio Weidmann,
Wyner-Ziv coding with uncertain side information quality,
Proc. EUSIPCO 2010 (invited), Aalborg, Denmark, Aug. 23-27, 2010. [PDF]
[21] |
Amadou Diallo, Claudio Weidmann and Michel Kieffer,
Optimizing the search of finite-state joint source-channel codes based on
arithmetic coding, Proc. EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 24-28, 2009.
[20] |
Gottfried Lechner and Claudio Weidmann,
Optimization of Binary LDPC Codes for the q-ary Symmetric Channel with
Moderate q, Proc. 5th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related
Topics, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sep. 1-5, 2008.
[19] |
Claudio Weidmann, Francesca Bassi and Michel Kieffer,
Practical distributed source coding with impulse-noise degraded side
information at the decoder,
Proc. EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 25-29, 2008.
[18] |
Claudio Weidmann,
Coding for the q-ary symmetric channel with moderate q,
Proc. ISIT, Toronto, Canada, Jul. 6-11, 2008. Submitted version
IEEEXplore [PDF]
[17] |
Francesca Bassi, Michel Kieffer and Claudio Weidmann,
Source Coding with Intermittent and Degraded Side Information at the
Decoder, Proc. ICASSP, Las Vegas, USA, Mar. 30 - Apr. 4, 2008.
IEEEXplore [PDF]
[16] |
Olivia Nemethova, Wolfgang Karner, Claudio Weidmann and Markus Rupp,
Distortion-Minimizing Network-Aware Scheduling for UMTS Video
Streaming, Proc. EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, Sep. 3-7, 2007.
[15] |
Morten Holm Larsen, Claudio Weidmann and Michel Kieffer,
Iterative Decoding of Entropy-Constrained Multiple Description
Trellis-Coded Quantization, Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2006, San Francisco
(CA), USA, Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2006. IEEEXplore [PDF]
[14] |
Salma Ben-Jamaa, Claudio Weidmann and Michel Kieffer,
Asymptotic Error-Correcting Performance of Joint Source-Channel Schemes
based on Arithmetic Coding, Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia
Signal Processing (MMSP), Victoria, Canada, Oct. 3-6, 2006. IEEEXplore [PDF]
[13] |
Claudio Weidmann,
Constant Rate Loss Strategies for the Gaussian Broadcast Channel,
Proc. NEWCOM-ACoRN Joint Workshop, Vienna,
Austria, Sept. 20-22, 2006. [PDF]
[12] |
Salma Ben-Jamaa, Claudio Weidmann and Michel Kieffer,
Design of Joint Source-Channel Arithmetic Codes based on Asymptotic
Performance Analysis, Proc. NEWCOM-ACoRN Joint Workshop, Vienna,
Austria, Sept. 20-22, 2006. [PDF]
[11] |
Claudio Weidmann and Olivia Nemethova,
Improved Sequential Decoding of H.264 Video with VLC
Resynchronization, Proc. 15th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications
Summit, Myconos, Greece, June 4-8, 2006. [PDF]
[10] |
Claudio Weidmann and Pierre Siohan,
Source-Channel Tradeoffs in Iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding of
Sources with Memory,
Proc. 4th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics, Munich,
Germany, April 3-7, 2006.
[9] |
Claudio Weidmann, Petr Kadlec, Olivia Nemethova and Ameen Al Moghrabi,
Combined Sequential Decoding and Error Concealment of H.264 Video,
Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Siena, Italy,
Sept. 2004. IEEEXplore [PDF]
[8] |
Claudio Weidmann,
Reduced-Complexity Soft-In-Soft-Out Decoding of Variable-Length
Codes, Proc. ISIT 2003, Yokohama, Japan, June 29-July 4, 2003.
One-page abstract [Postscript]
[7] |
Claudio Weidmann, New Upper Bounds on the Expected Length of
One-to-One Codes, Proc. ISIT 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland
June 30-July 5, 2002. One-page abstract [Postscript]
[6] |
Claudio Weidmann, Variable-Length Codes getting Framed,
Proc. 2nd Asian-European workshop on Information theory,
Breisach, Germany, June 26-29, 2002. Slides
[5] |
Claudio Weidmann, Rate Distortion Bounds via Threshold-based Classification, Proc. ISIT'2001, Washington D.C., June 24-29, 2001. Submission
and final one-page abstract [Postscript]
[4] |
Claudio Weidmann and Martin Vetterli, Rate Distortion
Behavior of Threshold-Based Nonlinear Approximations,
in Proceedings of DCC'2000, Snowbird, Utah, March 2000.
[3] |
Claudio Weidmann and Martin Vetterli, Rate-Distortion Analysis
of Spike Processes, in Proceedings of DCC'99, Snowbird,
Utah, March 1999. [Abstract] [Postscript]
[2] |
Claudio Weidmann, Jerome Lebrun and Martin Vetterli, Significance
tree image coding using balanced multiwavelets, in Proc. ICIP-98, Chicago,
Illinois, October 1998. [Abstract]
[1] |
Claudio Weidmann, Martin Vetterli, Antonio Ortega and Fabio
Carignano. Soft Caching:
Image Caching in a Rate-Distortion Framework. in Proc. of the IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Santa Barbara, CA,
October 1997. [Abstract] [Postscript]
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