Research in applied digital information theory
- Meta-information coding and synchronization strategies for named data
networking (NDN, an instance of information-centric networking,
ICN). Joint work with CĂ©dric Adjih
(INRIA INFINE) and Michel
Kieffer (L2S-CentraleSupélec).
- Joint source-channel codes (Shannon mappings) that perform well under
varying channel conditions. In relation with earlier work on robust
(e.g. constant rate loss) joint source-channel coding strategies for the
Gaussian broadcast channel.
Past work
- Characterization of the Voronoi cells of binary (convolutional) codes
under Hamming metric, with applications to practical coded side
information schemes (part of the PhD thesis of Anne Savard, now at
iemn/IMT Lille ).
- Distance spectra and code constructions for variable-length finite-state
joint source-channel codes (in collaboration with Amadou Diallo and Michel
Kieffer, LSS-CNRS-Supelec, as well
as Hassan Hijazi and Leo Liberti,
LIX - Ecole Polytechnique).
- Wyner-Ziv coding with intermittent and degraded side information:
theoretical bounds and different practical schemes, based on linear
precoding and Bayesian matching pursuit decoding, alternatively, based on
scalar quantization and Slepian-Wolf codes for a q-ary symmetric correlation
channel (in collaboration with Francesca Bassi and Michel
Kieffer, LSS-CNRS-Supelec).
- Coding schemes for the q-ary symmetric channel based on binary LDPC codes
(in collaboration with Gottfried
Lechner, ITR-UniSA).
- Connections between Wyner-Ziv coding with variable (sparse) correlating
noise, compressed sensing and coding for the q-ary symmetric channel.
Research at ftw. (2003-09)
- Distortion-minimizing scheduling of UMTS video (in collaboration with Olivia
Nemethova, Vienna Univ. of
- Distance spectra and code constructions for joint source-channel codes
based on arithmetic coding (in
collaboration with Salma Ben-Jamaa and Michel
Kieffer, LSS-CNRS-Supelec).
- Iterative decoding of multiple description codes (in collaboration with
Morten Holm Larsen, Aalborg University, and
Michel Kieffer, LSS-CNRS-Supelec)
- Sequential decoding of H.264 video (in collaboration with Olivia
Nemethova, Vienna Univ. of
- Iterative joint source-channel decoding (in collaboration with Pierre
Siohan, France Telecom R&D)
Research at IRISA (2002)
Joint source-channel decoding of variable length codes:
- distance properties of uniquely decodable codes
- complexity reduction
- (iterative) on-line estimation of source statistics
Research at EPFL (1996-2001)
- Lossy compression of sparse sources
- Ph.D. thesis: Oligoquantization in Low-Rate Lossy
Source Coding
- Arithmetic coding for noisy channels
- Rate distortion analysis of spike processes
- Error-resilient coding of discrete sources
- Image compression with multiwavelets
- Sequential embedding of side-information
- Soft caching: A new cache management
technique for the Web