Professor at the ENSEA (Communications and Imaging (ICI) Group of the ETIS Lab UMR8051, CY Cergy Paris Université, ENSEA, CNRS), Research Fellow at
the Barkhausen Institut, Visiting Research Scholar at Princeton University and IEEE Distinghuished Lecturer (2024-2025).
Have a look at my recent profile interview at the
IEEE ComSoc Women’s Video Series Production . Recent distinctions include my inclusion in the list of
100 Brilliant and Inspiting Women in 6G .
Two Postdoc positions available on Semantic and Context Aware 6G Security, details here!
My research spans the areas of wireless communications and the design of security schemes for 5G and 6G with
a particular focus on physical layer security. The research topics I currently work on include: context aware security, wireless security, 6G and IoT,
intrusion detection in IoT networks, machine learning for communications, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), faster than Nyquist signalling.
A few thoughts on
How Physicality Enables Trust: A New Era of Trust-Centered Cyberphysical Systems
from our recent work work with Stephanie Gil, Michal Yemini, Angelia Nedić, H. Vincent Poor and Andrea J. Goldsmith
To showcase the feasibility of Physical Layer Security (PLS) for 6G, we have announced the first ever PLS security challenge, (Globecom 2023), joint work with A. Mayya, M. Mitev and G. Fettweis
A SKG Security Challenge: Indoor SKG Under an On-The-Shoulder Eavesdropping Attack
Ongoing projects
- Principal Investigator, Horizon Europe SNS Stream B Project ROBUST-6G, Coordinator: ERICSSON, TK, 395k€, 2023-2026
- Grant Holder, Horizon Europe COST Action Project 6G-PHYSEC, Coordinator: Barkhausen Institut DE, (total budget) ~650k€, 2023-2027
- Co-investigator Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions-European Commission Staff Exchange, Project TRACE-V2X, 12 PMs over 4 years for staff exchanges, 2023-2027
- Voting Consortium Member (representing BI), EU Horizon SNS Flagship Project on 6G HEXA-X-II, participation in WP4 on intelligent radio technologies, 2023-2026
- Co-coordinator (CNRS) and Principal Investigator (CNRS), PEPR 5G Project 9 FOUNDS (Foundations of future communication networks), (total CNRS budget) 440k€, 2023-2027
- Principal Investigator (ETIS), PEPR 5G Project 8 HiSec (End-to-end Security for 5G), 2023-2027, 71k€
- Principal Investigator (ETIS), thesis co-financing IPAL Project, joint PhD supervision with ASTAR, Singapore, “Trust and Trustworthiness of 6G”, 60k€, 2024-2027
- Principal Investigator SRV Project, ENSEA, PhD co-supervision with PUC-Rio, “Resilient and Trustworthy Positioning and Physical Layer Security for 6G Systems” (RETRO), 80k€, 2022-2025
- Co-investigator project INEX (CY Initiative of Excellence), PHEBE (Physical layer security for beyond fifth generation communications), (total budget) 400k€, 2020-2024
Recently completed projects
- Coordinator PHC PROCOPE project Physical Layer Security for the IoT and B5G Systems, travel funding for research exchanges with the Barkhausen Institute DE, 10k€, 2021-2022
- Coordinator IEA CNRS travel grant for research exchanges with Princeton University, project PEGASUS (Context Aware Physical Layer Security for 6G), 14k€, 2021-2022
- Principal Investigator project SAFEST with P. Sehier NOKIA Bell Labs (Physical layer security for future generations wireless systems), DIM RFSI, 27.5k€, 2019-2021
- Principal Investigator project INEX, eNiGMA (Non-orthogonal multiple access techniques under security and delay constraints), 110k€, 2019-2021
- Co-investigator project ELIOT (Enabling technologies for IoT), ANR PRCI with Univ. Sao Paolo and PUC-Rio, Brazil, (ETIS budget) 390k€ (total of 740 k€), 2019-2023
Expert evaluator
- Expert Evaluator for the ANR (FR) research proposals on engineering
- Expert Evaluator for Chist-ERA (EU) research proposals on engineering
- Expert Evaluator for EPSRC (UK) research proposals on engineering
- External evaluator for NSERC (Canada) research proposals on engineering
PhD student Solomon Orduen Yese, funding from the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), Nigeria, working on Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), co-supervised with Dr. S. Berri (CYU, ETIS)
PhD student Angelo Passah, funding from SRV ENSEA, working on Resilient and Trustworthy Positioning and Physical Layer Security for 6G Systems, co-supervised with Prof. R. Delamare, PUC Rio
PhD student Hussein Awada, funding from ED ETIS, working on Network slicing for B5G, co-supervised with Dr. S. Berri (CYU)
Postdoc Dr. Thuy Pham, Barkhausen Institut (funding from state of Saxony), working on physical layer security for 6G, co-advised with Prof. R. Schaeffer and Prof. G. Fettweis
PhD student Amitha Mayya, Barkhausen Institut (state of Saxony), working on physical layer security for 6G, co-advised with Prof. R. Schaeffer and Prof. G. Fettweis
Prospective PhD students interested in pursuing research in any topic in context aware wireless communications, physical layer security and 6G are encouraged to contact me by e-mail.
Dr. Sotiris Skaperas, "Data analysis and forecasting models for flexible resource management in 5th generation networks", co-advised with Dr. L. Mamatas, University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. Miroslav Mitev, "Physical layer security for the Internet of things", co-advised with Dr. M. Reed, University of Essex, UK
Mr. Cornelius Saiki, Master by Research (MSD), Sep. 2015, University of Essex
Dr. Bello Mouktar, "Meeting delay and security constraints in 6G wireless networks", co-advised with Prof. I. Fijalkow, ENSEA, FR
Dr. Gustavo Alonso Nunez Segura, "Cooperative Intrusion Detection System for Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks", co-advised with Prof. Cintia Borges Margi, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil
Dr. Mahdi Shakiba Herfeh, project ELIOT
Dr. Murali Srinivisan, project PHEBE