I am a Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA) at the ETIS Lab UMR 8051, Research Fellow of the Barkhausen Institut gGmbH and a Visiting Scholar at Princeton
University. My research spans the areas of wireless communications and wireless systems security for 5G and 6G, with a particular focus on physical layer security. Current research topics include :
context aware security, multi-factor authentication protocols, 5G / 6G and IoT, anomaly detection, machine learning for communications, new multiple access techniques and scheduling. I am a Senior IEEE Member,
Asscociate Editor in Chief of the IEEE ComSoc Best Readings,
Member of the IEEE INGR on Security, Chair of the IEEE Focus Group on Physical Layer Security and a Member of various ITU Working Groups including on Security of the Metaverse. I have participated in the
reduction of the ITU report M.2516-0 on Future technology trends of terrestrial International Mobile Telecommunications systems towards 2030 and beyond (sections on trustworthiness). I have served in the IEEE
P1940 Standardization Workgroup on Standard profiles for ISO 8583 authentication services and was a member of
the IEEE Teaching Awards Committee.
2000 DEA degree in Electronics from University Paris VI - Pierre et Marie Curie, France
2005 PhD degree in Communications and Signal processing from Imperial College London, UK, Supervisor: Mike Brookes, supported by a IKY (Greece) and Panasonic UK ltd
2006-2007 Research Fellow at the University of Southampton, UK
2007-2008 Research Fellow at University College London, UK
2008-2010 Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University UK
2010-2013 Marie Curie Research Fellow at Princeton University, US, and FORTH, Greece
2013-2017 Lecturer at the University of Essex, UK
2017-2021 Associate Professor at ENSEA
2021-present Professor at ENSEA
2022-2023 Group Leader (part-time, mise en disposition), Wireless Connectivity Group, Barkhausen Institut
2023-present Research Fellow, Barkhausen Institut