I served as a member of the IEEE Teaching Awards Committee between April 2017 and April 2020 and have been a Fellow of the Higher
Education Academy (FHEA) of the UK since July 2015.
My teaching focuses on fundamental topics of wireless communications and security.
At ENSEA, since September 2017, I am teaching courses at the MSc level in the "Telecommunications, Security and Networking" specialization of the final year
of the ENSEA Engineering and I act as Option co-director. Furthermore, I am director of the 2nd year "IoT Option". In the past I have acted as the liaison for student
international mobility towards the UK.
Modules taught:
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Fundamentals of Cryprography (Indicative topics: AES, Modes of Operation, MACs, AE, PKE)
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Network Security (Indicative topics: Kerberos, PKE, SSL, IPSec)
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Wireless Communications (Indicative topics: Signal Space, ML detection, Waterfilling, Channel Capacity)
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IoT Security (2nd year Option) (Indicative topics: Fundamental concepts, DTLS, Blockchains, RFID Security)