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Mathias Quoy's HomePage

Mathias Quoy,
ETIS, UMR 8051,
2, avenue A. Chauvin,
F-95320, Cergy-Pontoise,
Tel: (+33) 1 34 25 28 52
Fax: (+33) 1 30 73 66 27

Short Bio
1994 PhD degree in computer science from the ENSAE (SupAero), Toulouse, under the supervision of professor Bernard DOYON.
1993-1994 postdoctoral research fellow at the University of New-Mexico, Albuquerque (NM, USA) and Philips Air Force Lab, supported by a French Lavoisier grant, with Maj. G. Tarr.
1995-2004 Maitre-de-Conferences (assistant professor) at the Cergy-Pontoise University, research in ETIS UMR 8051.
2004-present Professeur des universites (Professor) at the Technological Faculty of Cergy-Pontoise (IUT), research in ETIS UMR 8051, University Paris-Seine, University of Cergy-Pontoise, ENSEA, CNRS.

Current position
Professeur des universites (professor) at the Technological Faculty of Cergy-Pontoise (IUT), research in Equipes de Traitement de l'Information et Systemes (ETIS)
Director of the ETIS Lab
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